Golden Bee has always been done lavishly, in the Russian style, and the number of entries was never limited like it is done at other festivals. We had been isolated from the outer world for too long and we strived to catch up, to see as many works of foreign colleagues as possible.
The biennale quenched visual thirst, our burning interest for what was happening ‘there, beyond the horizon’. Little by little the selection became more rigid. Golden Bee 10 introduced for the first time electronic submission of works for the contest, the number of entries increased dramatically and the pre-selection committee had to be strict more than ever.
The biennale quenched visual thirst, our burning interest for what was happening ‘there, beyond the horizon’. Little by little the selection became more rigid. Golden Bee 10 introduced for the first time electronic submission of works for the contest, the number of entries increased dramatically and the pre-selection committee had to be strict more than ever.

This year the biennale has expanded its exhibition space to more than 50 cities of the world with separate projects exhibitions. Poster campaign dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Alexander Rodchenko, whose name is a synonym of Russian design in the West, was introduced last year at Moscow Design Week that also provided for the project’s tour around the world. This year Moscow Design Week is the main partner event of Golden Bee 10. Mikhail Prokhorov Fund is once again the biennale’s general partner. It provided for the extensions and additions the biennale has this year, apart from the chance to continue.

Moscow Biennale "Golden Bee" is one of the most prestigious events in the world of graphic design, which is held every two years during last ten years. Works of designers from all over the world participate in the Biennale. Exposures take place in more than 50 cities in various countries.
Each “Golden Bee” has a unique face and a separate website with a completely new interface design. Every Biennale’s website tied to work with an external sever that allows thousands of participants from around the world to submit their works (graphic and video materials) for the contest remotely. Our objective for this project was to implement existing programming that makes managing of the huge amount of data easy and user-friendly.
Each “Golden Bee” has a unique face and a separate website with a completely new interface design. Every Biennale’s website tied to work with an external sever that allows thousands of participants from around the world to submit their works (graphic and video materials) for the contest remotely. Our objective for this project was to implement existing programming that makes managing of the huge amount of data easy and user-friendly.